Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Is This What Keeps You from TRIing

If you are like me, I was scared of the swim... It kept me from participating in a Triathlon for many years.  Do you have hesitation or apprehension about competing in a triathlon?  I enjoyed this video produced by Cliff Bar and wanted to share.  I am interested in hearing your stories (good and bad) about the swim leg.  Please share by posting a Comment.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Ever Thought You Would Fly Like Superman?

How many of you used to play Superman when you were little.  I can remember tying a towel around my neck, running down the hallway in my home toward the living room, cape flying in the wind.  Upon reaching 3 -4 feet in front of the couch, I would launch and fly over the arm of the couch landing prone on the seat cushions.  I would have endless hours of fun playing superheros as a kid.

Did you ever think we would actually be able to fly solo?  Take a look at this video...  Lesson learned is never set your sights to low as you are trying to achieve your personal best.