Then, out of nowhere, a glimmer of hope appears! Rekindling the spark that may have dulled over time. That's what has happened to me with the prospects of competing in the 2013 Ironman Championships in Kona, Hawaii.
Last night I submitted a video application for the opportunity to accomplish a B.H.A.G that I set on April 18, 2003. Now I wait to see the outcome of creating this fun video. In the meantime, I will be training... you can follow my progress at
My video will be judged on the following:
- Demonstration of commitment/passion to take on the challenge of becoming an Ironman (25%);
- Relevance to Search Theme (25%);
- Originality and Creativity (25%).
- On-Air Presence (25%)
I hope you enjoyed watching as much as I had making my video. Let me know your thoughts and what is something you are working towards. Best wishes in your pursuit of your personal best.