Tuesday, November 21, 2017

My Thoughts, Exactly!

We all know (or at least should know) that browsers, websites, and the internet in general captures our interests from our search behaviors and tries to develop a unique profile based on that activity. This data enables companies and advertisers to use all kinds of personalized marketing campaigns to grab our attention.  I'm not always happy about what is pushed my way, but today was different.  I'm glad I took time to watch a YouTube video
today that helped me refocus on what I'm doing to become my personal best.

I saw that it was from a channel called, Be Inspired, and I thought it would be a quick 5 minute video, so decided to watch.  As I continued to listen (multi-task) as I was working on some email responses and kept thinking to myself, I've been telling myself this for a long time.

I believe, becoming our personal best is not about crossing the finish line faster than you ever have before, hitting the winning shot, or conquering a tall mountain. Now, don't get me wrong. Those are all markers of success that everyone focuses on. And, we should celebrate each of our achievements and pause to bask in the moment of victory. That is all good, and provides momentum and confidence to try something else.

But, just like this picture above, "Success" is only the visible and glamorous part of reaching your full potential. I believe there is another part to the equation that is even more difficult to deal with, that is how we deal with the "Failures". For the majority of us, the 80% of the iceberg that is underwater represents what we face on a daily basis. 

To me, how we choose to face those challenges and how we choose to pick ourselves up time and time again, is what the pursuit of my personal best is really about.

Now, go watch the YouTube video and enjoy the full 30 minute compilation of motivational and personal growth snippets. Then take time to reflect on what changes you might make to press forward. I'll see you on the other side!