I'm going to jump right in on this topic because I believe "Fear" is a two-edged sword. It can either help us or hurt us, AND it depends on YOU (and me) to decide which it will be. Will I allow fear to help me achieve my personal best or keep me from my greatness?
When we are born and brought into this world, there are only two things that a baby is naturally afraid of. All other fears have been learned... which means we can unlearn those fears. This is perhaps the reason why I am so interested in the things that hold us back from reaching our full potential - our Personal Best. By tapping into the mindset and experiences that engrained certain fears in the first place, and by working through the thought processes engrained in our subconscious, we can recondition our thoughts, feelings, and actions to produce different results. We can unlearn anything that holds us back!
Now, you are probably waiting for me to tell the two fears we are born with... One, is the fear of loud noises. If you clap your hands loudly by a peaceful baby, then you will see the startle reaction and recognize that you scared the baby. Two, is the fear of falling. If you hold a baby and create the sensation of free-falling, you will notice the baby immediately outstretches their arms and the face will tense up with anticipation. These are the two things we have natural fear about.
In order to acheive our personal best, we must conquer our fears. We must learn to turn weakness into strength. We'll explore this topic in greater detail and focus on the positive and negative aspects of Fear. Till then... Be awesome!
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