As I work toward my pursuit of personal excellence, I have to constantly remind myself to avoid complacency. I think it is a natural tendency to relax our focus at times - especially right after achieving a monumental goal. It is difficult to only have a brief celebration and then engage 100% again on a new goal.
I have heard this explained as the "Thermometer Effect". Basically it is assumed that everyone has a "setting" at which they operate... just like we may set the thermometer for air conditioning or heating. As we go through our years of work, we find that we have instances where we may be above the setting, or below the setting. An example could be that in sales, we are working hard to win new business, and meet the quota, etc. We may put in extra work that results in achieving an outcome high above the goal - We may have become HOT! So, our thermostat kicks in and begins to "COOL" us down subconciously. We may find that our efforts are more relaxed and the ensuing results bring us back to the average setting at which we are comfortable.
So, how do we reset our thermostat? Using a reminder, such as "Citius, Altius, Fortius" may be the thing we need. Especially if it links us emotionally to the big hairy audacious goal we are aiming for. As I am pursuing my personal best in many aspects of my life, I am looking for those emotional anchors that will allow me to consistently attain my objectives more frequently and at a more rapid pace. Be Excellent!
Big Hairy Audacious Goal: Mine has been to sell 1 Million apps. I am trying to remember if I need to bring down the goal like we did with the push-ups. I am focused on PR so maybe setting goals such as - in 5 magazines, in 30 Mommy Blogs, in 50 websites, in 15 newspapers. Posted about on 50 Facebook fan pages. Thank you for inspiring me to examine my goal.